Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year to you all!

It's New Years Eve and I'm on a boat heading home to Northern Ireland for my Christmas part II. Before I blog about what I was baking last night I just feel the need to mention how amazing this ship is! Me and Mr.Geek are on the Stena Superfast ferry from Cairnryan to Belfast, which I think just launched in November this year. Wow. Ipads on the wall....cinematic screens pretty much projected on the floor (which children are going mad for) Kinect... and there's even a spa with a glass front over looking the Irish Sea. Just like it says on the advert for it "its flipping brillant so it is, its like a big hotel". This is us just leaving Loch Ryan at Cairnryan, seems like we are in for a calm, peaceful crossing which is always good :)

So last night I baked some Christmas/ New Year cookies to bring home with me for my family and friends. For me, a must have ingredient in Christmas baking is cinnamon. I love it, it's just so warming and gives your baking such a nice, subtle spice. Also, when the smell is released throughout the house it is DE-lish! I decided I would make some cranberry, white chocolate and cinnamon cookies. I've made these a few times before and I've been lucky if they have still been around at the end of the day. 
Of course it's all about presentation as well, I got these little Christmas fabric bags in Hobbycraft (favorite shop ever). Lovely presentation bags and I'm sure they will get used again! I'm giving these as a gift but secretly I cannot wait to sink my teeth into one with a hot cuppa :)

The second part of my cookie baking last night was some star and heart shaped goodies for my fabulous friends Trudy, Jonny and Karen who I am going to see on Monday and I cannot wait. (miss you guys x). Trudes very kindly gifted me with some star shaped cookie cutters from Lakeland earlier on this year which are great! They make little bitesize cookies ....well I suppose that depends on how big your gub is. So last night I made some star vanilla cookies, dipped them in milk chocolate and covered in multi- coloured sprinkles. I also made some heart shaped vanilla cookies which I drizzled with vanilla candy melts topped off with some edible glitter. Of course there was some 'mis-shapes' left over and I had one and yum, they are tasty. What I like about the hearts with the glitter sprinkled on them is that there is no denying you have had's a cert that your lips and fingers will end up covered in glitter. "Elaine, have you been eating cookies?", "No"....... with an expression like a kid who has just bedazzled himself. 

I really do hope my family and friends enjoy eating these as much as I've enjoyed baking them! 

Well, however you are seeing in the bells tonight I wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope you have a great night! I hope 2012 brings you everything you wish for!

Looking forward to getting more into this blogging in the New Year :)

The Cupcake Geek (who can now see Northern Ireland!!) x

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