Tuesday 24 January 2012

Scottish themed cupcakes....

Tomorrow is Burn's Night and although I'm not Scottish, it's that one time of the year where I will have haggis, neeps and tatties for my dinner, washed down with a glass bottle of Irn Bru; it is imperative to this yearly feast that the Irn Bru comes in a glass bottle. I've been daydreaming about what kind of Scottish themed cupcakes I could make. Now, Mr.Geek will pretty much eat anything but when I suggested to him that I might try to make Haggis Cupcakes, I could tell by the look on his face straightaway that I was possibly thinking outside the box a bit too much and I had to reel myself back in. A few months back I made Irn Bru cupcakes with the main components being Irn Bru (surprise surprise....) and a small shaving of raw ginger to give them a bit of a kick.

Recently I've had the desire to incorporate edible rice paper into my baking somehow; there's something about it that brings out the big kid in me..I have memories of being younger and eating colourful sheets of fake money... pretending I was rich and I could eat paper! So, when I discovered edible tartan rice paper online I knew what my next Scottish themed cupcake experiment was to be! These fairy cakes are plain vanilla, topped with a circle of white fondant icing with a round sheet of tartan paper on top. I must admit, it does feel a bit strange when you first bite into the cake but the rice paper just melts away in your mouth. A wee tip to get the paper to stick to the fondant...use a dab of golden syrup, its perfect and it pretty much acts as an edible glue. I was a teeny bit disappointed though because I don't think I used quite enough golden syrup as the edges of the tartan rice paper have started to curl up at the sides :( So, here they are...my Tartan Army Cupcakes -

Oh..and I forgot to mention one thing..

Much the same as Irn Bru, my Tartan Fairy Cakes also contain a secret ingredient!

The Cupcake Geek x

“Some hae meat and canna eat, 
And some wad eat that want it, 
But we hae meat and we can eat, 
And sae the Lord be thankit.” 

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